How Much Food Should I Feed My Overweight Cat?

How much food should I feed my overweight cat

Weight loss is not easy for anyone – humans or pets. However, getting in shape and reaching the normal weight can’t only add years to the life of your cat, but it can also make her happier during those extra years. Helping your feline friend to lose weight might actually be doable than you think. Weight loss in cats simply needs a commitment to fitness, the right diet, attention to details, as well as the assistance of your vet.

Reasons Why Your Cat Should Lose Weight

Even just a pound or two above your cat’s ideal body weight can put him at risk for developing serious health conditions. Unfortunately, the moment a cat is obese or overweight, it’s no longer a thought to ponder if your furry feline will develop a health problem secondary to his excess weight, but how serious and how soon. Some of the most common health concerns associated with your cat being overweight or obese include:

  • Osteoarthritis (arthritis)
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes – an overweight cat is 3 times more likely to be affected with this disease than a feline of normal weight
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased frequency of joint-related injuries
  • Some types of cancer – most especially intra-abdominal forms of cancer

Usually, obese and overweight cats have shorter lifespan than their normal, fitter weight counterparts do. Aside from that, obese and overweight cats tend to refuse any physical interaction with their families, and they become less playful and energetic. Since heavy cats tend to lie around every now and then, it’s easier to overlook the early signs of their health condition, since we often attribute their lethargy or less of energy to their normal lazy days. We’re just now learning more about how threatening and serious being overweight can be for both humans as well as our cuddly feline friends.

How Should I Begin My Cat’s Weight Loss Program?

Theoretically, weight loss in cats (and even in humans) seems simple enough – lesser calories in and more calories out leads to weight loss. However, it’s not as simple as that. Always bear in mind that you should never begin a weight loss diet for your obese cat without a professional’s supervision.

How Much Should You Feed Your Cat to Lose Weight?

To answer this, your vet will have to examine your furry feline to know his ideal body weight, basing on its build and body size. Charts and formulas have been developed in order to assist veterinarians in determining a cat’s weight, including the number of calories needed per day in order to safely achieve the desired weight of a cat.

 The specific amount of food that’s necessary to provide the level of calories required will solely depend on the food’s calorie content. For weight loss formulas that are available through your vet, this information will be stated on the label itself, and your vet healthcare team can help you determine the needed amount to feed your cat. On the other hand, if you choose to utilize an alternate food source that doesn’t have your needed information on the label, then you’ll have to contact the manufacturer in order to get it.

 For most cats, the most ideal way to achieve the desired weight is feeding them a canned diet cat food several times a day, rather than leaving their food down. One of the many reasons why canned cat diet foods are better is because picky felines prefer wet cat food to dry. You must count your cat’s calorie intake per day and measure the amount fed the moment you enter into a weight loss program. When you feed your cat too much, it won’t result in weight reduction and feeding too little could possibly result in health consequences like hepatic lipidosis, which is also called as the fatty liver syndrome.


Common Questions About How Much Food to Feed Your Overweight Cat

How Much and How Often Should I feed My Cat?

From age 6 months to maturity, cats are usually okay with 2 times a day feeding routine. Once your cat becomes an adult, like about one year old, feeding him once or twice daily is also appropriate. For senior cats aging 7 and above, you can still be able to maintain the same feeding routine.

How Much Food Should I Feed My Cat A Day?

Knowing how much food your cat needs is best answered by a professional or a veterinarian, even though recommendations often range between 24-35 calories daily per pound. If this feeding routine is followed with the help of other weight management suggestions from your vet, your cat will achieve a healthy weight and long, normal life.

What is Considered Overweight for A Cat?

Using body weight as a primary guide, cats are considered overweight the moment they weigh 10 to 20% above the ideal body weight. On the other hand, a cat is considered obese when he weights 20% or more above his ideal body weight. Body weight is easier to measure when it comes to assessing if a cat is obese or overweight – much easier than measuring body fat.


For most cats, the key to successful weight loss program is a concerned, committed, and dedicated family. Cats don’t understand that being overweight or obese can cause them harm. It’s up to us as cat owners to protect our feline friends from harm and not inadvertently increase their chance of developing debilitating diseases or premature death. With you and your vet health care team’s help, you can be able to help your furry feline achieve a healthy, normal body weight and condition successfully and safely.

How much food should I feed my overweight cat

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