Do cats like it when you clean their litter boxes?

Do cats like when you clean their litter box

Cats bury their feces for a specific reason, not just because they want to leave the place tidy and neat. Cat’s poop and urine carry distinct territorial tracking properties. Thus, in the wild, cats who are dominant tend to leave their feces out in the open in order to mark their territory. Smaller or submissive cats usually bury their poop to prevent territorial scuttles with other cats who are larger than them. Cats also bury their feces as a way to keep themselves safe if there are predators nearby, and they feel confused when you do the opposite with it.

Do cats like to use clean litter boxes?

Cats might not have the instinct to pee or poop in the litter boxes you just thoroughly cleaned, but they sure seem to like it eventually. Why would your cat love to use a freshly cleaned box? If your feline companion has a more dominant personality, then chances are he is remarking his territory. The smell of freshly replaced litter tells your cat that his territorial claim is at stake but he surely appreciates a clean litter box. 

Do cats like it when you move their litter boxes?

Moving the litter box of your cat in an unexpected time can lead to his confusion and ultimately causing him to pee and poop around the house. If you’re planning to move your furry pal’s box to a new place, do so gradually. Some experts even suggest to move it a few inches a day until it reaches the new location. Be sure to move the litter box of your cat to a private and quiet spot, so he can eliminate in peace. 

How often should the litter box be cleaned?

If you won’t clean your cat’s box for a long time, chances are he will simply decide to poop or pee outside his litter box. This is not your cat revenging on you – he simply likes to do his elimination business in clean and safe places. Since cats are habit creatures, they’ll choose to use a place that’s close to their litter boxes as their bathroom.

In order to avoid these issues and to help keep your feline companion healthy, you should scoop out the litter of your cat on a daily basis. And if you have multiple cats at home, ensure that you provide them enough number of litter boxes. 

How to switch your cat’s litter without confusing him

Switching the types and brands of your cat’s litter without introduction can eventually lead to litter box accidents and aversion. If you’re introducing your cat a new litter for his box, you need to mix it with his old litter gradually. Slowly increase the amount of new litter brand and then lessen the amount of the old one until your feline friend is used to its new texture. Failure to do so can only lead to new carpet and furniture stains for you to clean. Certainly, this is the last thing you want to happen.


Common questions about cleaning your cat’s litter box

Why do cats use the litter box after you clean it?

It can be because your cat wants to put his scent into it to claim it as his territorial place since it’s just been refreshed. Aside from that, cats also like cleanliness so your cat might want to take advantage of his fresh litter box, just as his wild ancestors may have chosen an unused and new spot in the wild to poop or pee.

How often should you clean a cat’s litter box?

Your cat’s litter box should be scooped daily and it is even better if you take care of it as soon as he’s finished with his elimination business. If you find it difficult to maintain and scoop the litter of your kitty, you can opt for self-cleaning boxes that use a sensor telling when your cat has entered and left the box.

Do cats hate dirty litter boxes?

Just like what humans feel about dirty toilet, cats also hate dirty litter boxes. This is why it’s very important to clean the litter boxes of your cats daily or if you’re too busy, at least do it every other day. Depending on how many cats you have in your home and their bathroom habits, you need to develop a constant routine that can help maintain clean litter boxes to avoid any accident outside the box.


Cats can be very finicky about their habits when using the bathroom, so unless you like to regularly deal with their messes at home, keeping their litter boxes up to their own standards is essential. You should also take note that keeping your cat’s litter box clean is not just about scooping but also deep cleaning the box using a vet-approved solution and replacing the litter regularly.

Do cats like when you clean their litter box

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