Is it OK to give kittens away at 6 weeks old?

Is it OK to give kittens away at 6 weeks old

The simple answer is NO. Separating a kitten from their mama cat too early can be disastrous.  This is why it is highly recommended that kittens stay with their moms as long as possible. If you want to learn why kittens can’t be given away 6 weeks or earlier, read on.

Mother cats, or as they are called, queen cats play a vital role in their kittens’ lives. For the first month of the kittens’ lives, they depend a lot on mom for nutrition, in the form of milk, and warmth – as one-month-old kittens cannot actually regulate their body temperature yet. 

Can kittens leave at 6 weeks?

Separating kittens from their moms already after 6 weeks is usually too early. Without mom around to provide her kittens with milk, it could be detrimental to the kittens’ body development. The milk is full of essential nutrients important for bone development, eye health, and full organ development.

On a side note, kittens are not to be fed cow’s milk or any sort of milk that are not specifically designed for kitten consumption.

After a full month, mama cat will actually start weaning her kittens by limiting their nursing time.  At this time, they are encouraged to start eating liquid kitten food as well as mom’s milk.

By their 6th week, they may have graduated from their watery kitten food and mama’s milk to them being able to eat moistened kibbles exclusively – but this does not mean that they’re ready to be on their own.

Aside from being a food source for her kittens, mama cat will actually teach her kittens to be proper, well-mannered cats.  Kittens separated from their moms too early are observed to develop behavioral issues as they grow up. 

A 6 week old kitten still need to learn from its mom

It is actually their moms who will teach them lifelong lessons like how to calm down, how to groom themselves properly, and most importantly for the humans of their lives, how to use the litter box properly – including how to bury their waste. 

It is by interacting with their mom and siblings that kittens learn how to not play too rough, how to effectively ‘hunt’, and many more.

Kittens who grow up alone and have limited contact with other animals during their developmental stages can actually develop the ‘single-kitten syndrome,’ where they fail to behave appropriately around other animals, including humans. Nope, human interaction with your solitary kitten is not enough because humans simply cannot emulate the play behavior of cats – we simply don’t have the same body language. 

If they don’t know their limits they may develop inappropriate play aggression – the one where they sneak attack your ankles.  Painful.

How old should a kitten be before it is ok to give it away?

The question is then when can kittens leave their mom.

It is ok to let your kitten leave at 8 weeks old or older. The most ideal age is between 12-16 weeks old. By this time, the kittens will have learned all the lessons they need to learn from mom and their siblings on how to be a good cat.

How to care for abandoned kittens?

Sometimes, unfortunate things happen and you end up with motherless or abandoned kittens.  If you are completely unsure of what to do, the best advice would be to contact your local vet and see if there’s anything wrong with the kittens. 

Once you’re sure that everything is fine health wise, here are the things you must do to your new kitten babies:

  1. Keep them warm.  For the first month of their lives, kittens cannot regulate their own temperature.  To make sure they survive, provide them with warm blankets that are to be replaced regularly.
  2. Feed them KITTEN MILK.  Cats are actually lactose intolerant and should NEVER drink cows’ milk.  When they’re old enough, slowly start weaning them with watery wet food.
  3. Help them relieve themselves.  Very young kittens actually need to be stimulated in order to be able to pee and poop.  Use a damp washcloth and gently stroke their areas until they release.

Why is my new kitten not eating?

Most cats are not big fans of changes, and this extends to kittens too.  If you find that your new kitten is not eating as much as they should or usually would, here are some things you can do:

  1. Find out what your kitten likes to eat – this could be done by trying out different brands, textures and flavors.  Serve at body temperature.
  2. Mind their dish bowls.  Make sure it’s clean with no soap residue left.  Cats usually prefer ceramic or glass bowls as opposed to stainless steel.  Make sure the shape of the bowl is comfortable for your cat.
  3. Eating time is sacred.  Make sure they have a safe, quiet space during meal times.
  4. If you’re suspecting that something’s wrong with your cat, visit your vet.

Can kittens drink milk?

It’s a little-known fact that most cats are actually lactose intolerant.  While drinking milk is so beneficial for the growth of kittens, they should ONLY be drinking milk from their moms or kitten milk replacer.  You may also hear some people recommending goat’s milk – but vets will say otherwise.  To be safe, just stick to kitten milk.

Just like humans, kittens need their moms not just for sustenance and comfort but also as their first teacher.  If it can be avoided, please don’t separate mama cat from her kittens until at least they are 8 weeks old, but preferably older.

Do kittens miss their mom?

Kittens do miss their mom. Especially if they are separated from their mom too early. When kittens leave their mother at 6 weeks, they will miss their mom a lot, because the cat mom’s milk is so essential for a kitten at the beginning of its life.

When is the best time for kittens to be weaned

It is important not to start the weaning too early. Around 5 weeks a kitten will be ready to start trying other food than its mother’s milk. Kittens that are weaned earlier might get suckling behaviors, like sucking un blankets, pillows, or similar.

Video: How to tell how old a kitten is

Is it OK to give kittens away at 6 weeks old

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