What Is the Best Appetite Stimulant for Cats?

What is the best appetite stimulant for cats

Diminished appetite in cats is a truly big health concern for cat owners. In fact, if your cat won’t eat for a day or two, his life would be at risk. Fortunately, you can stimulate the appetite of your cat naturally if he has been avoiding meals. However, you should get your feline friend checked by a veterinarian before you try to improve the appetite of your cat at home. At this point, your cat may be suffering due to health conditions or aging.

Why Your Cat Refuses to Eat

Cats are choosy by nature especially when it comes to their diet. But if your cat happens to experience appetite loss that results in weight loss, they it can indicate an underlying health problem. Some of the reasons why your cat is lacking appetite is because he may be facing digestive problem, kidney disease, dental decay, or an upset tummy. You should get your cat checked by your trusted vet immediately if he refuses to eat.

Who knows, your cat may have caught a parasite or nasty infection. It’s actually quite normal for felines to be a bit fussy or picky about their diet for a day or two. However, if your cat continues to refuse food for several days, then you must take her to a vet. After an assessment, the veterinarian might be able to diagnose your cat’s condition and usually, the issue may be a treatable one. Your trusted veterinarian may even recommend some effective appetite stimulants intended for this purpose.

Can I Use Natural Stimulants?

Cat owners are often worried about the health of their cat. This is because these bossy and fussy creatures are not open about what they feel, unlike dogs who lick you to show their love or wag their tail when they see you. Your cat loves you too, however, they subtly show their affection. The moment your cat is unwell or sick, he will hide under the bed or in a corner to sleep off the pain. You’re definitely hopeless if you see your cat this way as you don’t know how to help him. When your cat stops eating, it even becomes more worrisome. Luckily, there are natural appetite stimulants that can help renew hunger to encourage your cat to eat again.


If your cat is partial to catnip, you can be able to use it in boosting his appetite. Simply sprinkle a pinch of dried catnip leaves on the floor or you can also put some toys of your cat in a bag with catnip leaves and let the scent of the catnip sink in. While catnip is a natural and affordable stimulant, not all kitties react the same way. In fact, some cats become more lethargic after they ingest some, while around twenty percent of cats do not respond to catnip stimulant. You can just try it at first so you know if this method works or not.

New Smells and Tastes

Cats find fragrance a big deal, which is why when you open a can of tuna, they come running towards you right away. If your cat is not too excited about his ordinary kibble, then try to spice things up using the flavor of tuna, wet food, or simply the excess water you squeezed from the can. To make your cat’s food even more desirable, you can also add a bit of meat or beef broth, or cooked chicken to a portion of his dry kernels. Make sure to dispose cooked or wet foods if your cat does not want to eat them within one hour or two.

Set Up an Appetizing Environment for Your Cat

Heat is considered as a natural stimulant that works great on a cat’s appetite. Set up a relaxing heating pad at home or you can also encourage your kitty to relax under the sun for a while in order to boost his temperature. You must keep your cat relaxed and calm throughout the day. Furthermore, stress can also be a huge appetite inhibitor, which is why you should give your feline friend some space as well as freedom from other animals, loud noises, kids, and other related sources of stress.


Common Questions About Appetite Stimulants for Cats

What Can I Give My Cat to Increase His Appetite?

Aside from the natural appetite stimulants we have mentioned above, you can also give your cat prescribed stimulants such as Periactin, Remeron, Valium, and Mirtazapine, which is the most commonly used feline appetite stimulant by veterinarians. Mirtazapine is a drug that’s initially developed to help in controlling nausea. However, the drug has also show positive results in improving the appetite of cats. For quite some time, it has been used by vets to boost the appetites of their patients.

How Long Does an Appetite Stimulant Take to Work in Cats?

Most prescribed appetite stimulants come in pill form and are given orally by mouth so it should take effect sooner. Sometimes, your vet may have the appetite stimulant pills compounded into liquid form in order to make giving by mouth easier, most especially for felines. This medication must take effect within one to two days, and clinical signs improvement should follow eventually.

How Can I Stimulate My Cat’s Appetite?

To get your kitty to eat, consider following these tips aside from giving him a prescribed appetite stimulant or natural stimulant:

  • Give him meat baby food
  • Give him some wet/canned food
  • Add some tuna or anchovies juice to their usual food
  • Add chicken broth to his food, whether it’s canned or kibbled


Like everything to do with your cat’s welfare and health, when it comes to getting your favorite feline friend to eat, it is the little things that can make a huge difference. Encouraging your pet to eat is an art form that takes a lot of patience and gentle approach. But with the proper advice from your vet and with the use of the right natural and prescribed appetite stimulants, you and your cat will likely succeed in this battle.

What is the best appetite stimulant for cats

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