Can cats hold their pee overnight?

Can cats hold their pee overnight

Cats are truly amazing creatures.  They can do a lot of things better than us like seeing in the dark.  Another are where they are truly our superior is when it comes to how long they can hold their pee.  Have you ever tried not peeing for 10 hours?  Probably never.  Cats on the other hand can go up to 48 hours without needing a pee break.  Taking this super power too far, though, could have major consequences.

How long can a cat hold its pee

Most cats can hold their pee for 24-48 hours, and it’s not a problem for them to hold their pee overnight. Their bodies may be much smaller than ours, but we can’t even start to compete with their bladder hold.

Don’t take this as a free pass to not have a litter box inside your homes though!  Indoor cats should always have access to their cat toilets.  Cats who hold their pee for more than 48 hours are in grave danger.  They could die from all of the toxins that are building up inside them while they hold their pee.  If your cat is unable to pee in 72 hours, they’ll be dead.

If you are planning to travel with your cat, be sure to let them out every 6 hours to relieve themselves.  Please keep in mind the urinating tendencies of your cat and how stressful travelling is for them.  Most cats really dislike travelling.  If you are unsure if your cat will pee and you want to be sure that they don’t make a mess, please provide them with an absorbent padding in their carrier.

Take care if you notice that your cat has not peed for some time for no apparent reason.  Cats can hide their pain really well.  If you notice that they’re not peeing for longer than they usually do, are crying out when they pee, are constantly licking their genital areas, missing their litter box when they pee, or if you notice blood in their pee, please consult your vet as your cat may have a blockage.  A blockage happens more for male cats than for female cats because of the shape of their urethra. It happens when crystalline-like materials or even thick mucus is stopping your cat from peeing.  It could be a case of FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Track Disease. 

FLUTD is absolutely fatal for cats.  If they don’t get immediate attention, they could go into coma and/or die.

As much as their genetics play a role on how your cat pees, how you take care of your cat also has a big part.  Make sure that you’re feeding your cat a proper diet.  Steer clear from foods that could alkalinize their urine – this could contribute to them getting crystals in their bladders. 

Lastly, keep your cat’s litter box clean and odorless.  There’s nothing cats hate more thank stinky litter boxes.  Cats are smart and neat.  If their litter box isn’t clean, they wouldn’t want to hop in there to pee.  After all, nobody likes using a foul smelling, dirty toilet.

Watch the Video: How to Tell if Your Cat Has a Bladder Infection


How about cats who pee too often?

Is that a thing?  Yep.  While they’re able to hold it in for longer, they are probably choosing not to.  If your furry companion is always visiting their litter box, but are only peeing small amounts each time, they may have the condition called Oligura.  This condition means that they are unable to produce a lot of urine.  If your cat is peeing a huge amount of urine, making them go to the bathroom more often, they may be suffering from Polyuria.  This means they probably have a problem regulating their urine.  Please let your vet know about your cat’s peeing habits.

Why is my cat peeing on the bed?

Nothing’s worse to waking up to a pee soaked bed.  Your cat is not doing this because they hate you.  They’re doing this because something is bothering them.  Here’s a list to consider:

  1. They have problems with their litter box.  It could either be that the litter box is in a very busy area where your cat would be uncomfortable to relieve themselves in, it could be that there is a need for more litter boxes (some cats don’t like sharing litter boxes), they don’t like the litter box, or the litter itself.
  2. They don’t like the change.  Is there a big change in you and your cat’s life?  Cat’s don’t react well to change.  Help them through it.  If you notice that is taking a very long time for your cat to adjust to your new lives, please consult your vet.
  3. They feel unsafe.

How often do cats poop?

Your cat should poop at least once a day.  If you have kittens, they will pass poop more often than adult cats.  If your cat isn’t pooping every day, please take note of how much exercise they’re doing, how good their diet is or if they are dehydrated.  If your cat is pooping watery poops, or you notice blood or worms in their poops, consider making a trip to your vet. Cats don’t have to pee as often as humans.  They can hold off not going to the bathroom to pee for a day or two.  While this is useful for situations where your cat doesn’t have access to their litter boxes, it’s best to make sure they pee every day.  If a cat doesn’t pee for 72 hours, they will almost surely die.

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