Does black pepper keep cats away?

Cats are adorable fluffy animals. But sometimes, the pungent smell of their feces and urine can be a bit troubling especially in a well-maintained backyard and frontyard. Black pepper spray: shoo shoo bye bye kitty cat

So, can black pepper keep the kitty away?

Black pepper is indeed an effective way for a cat repellant. Cats have very sensitive noses, they hate the smell of citrus, cinnamon, and black peppers. Be aware that black peppers can be washed away very easily if you want it for an outdoor repellant.

How to make a black pepper spray to keep cats away

If you really want cats to stay away, follow this simple recipe by a blog called My Animals for a humane but effective spray:

  1. Put a cup of water into the saucepan and wait for it to boil
  2. Add two tablespoons of fine black pepper
  3. Open your windows as the vapor coming from the mixture may hurt your eyes
  4. Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes
  5. After letting it boil, let it sit until it is cold and pour it into a spray bottle
  6. Spray it around the areas where the cats have been hanging out
  7. Enjoy a cat free day!

P.S be humane, do not directly spray it to your cats, it may damage their vision.

Does white pepper keep cats away

Just like black pepper, white pepper is something that cats want to stay away from. They do not like pepper, and that includes the white kind.

Herbs that are unsafe for cats


Oreganos are actually very poisonous to cats. A blog called Wag gave a detailed report as to why oregano is poisonous to cats. According to Wag, “oregano contains an essential oil that is capable of causing a gastrointestinal upset in cats. This reaction is generally mild, and only occurs if a lot of plant material has been consumed.” Oregano essential oil can cause major health problems to a cat, the oregano extract will be too concentrated for your cat’s system.


Chocolates and cocoa contain an ingredient called theobromine. Cats and dogs cannot process theobromine. This can build up inside them and cause poisoning including liver failure. If the cat accidentally ingested cocoa while hanging out in your backyard or front yard, it would be best to contact the owner and tell them about what happened. The amount of chocolate or cocoa that they ingested should be disclosed to the owners.


This is an herb most commonly used in mexican dishes. This herb is poisonous for cats, dogs and even horses. Cats may experience vomiting, depression, hypersalivation, sleepiness, dilated pupils and low body temperature and can even lead to death. If the cat consumes even a little bit of this herb, rush him/her to the hospital immediately and contact the owner.


Chives can be quite harmful to both dogs and cats. Cats can tolerate a small amount but it should be regulated as well. Plentiful quantities may lead to drooling, nausea, oral irritation, vomiting and diarrhea. This can also elevate the cat’s heart rate and respiratory rate.

Bay leaf

Cats are very sensitive to fragrances, bay leaves can potentially make your cat sick. This has eugenol and essential oils that can make your cat very sick. Ingesting large quantities may lead to depression and liver failure. According to Wag Walking, the sharp edges may “scratch, gouge and even lacerate the lining of the esophagus and gut. The most visible indication of this is blood appearing in the cat’s stool and vomit” when ingested.


Chamomile may not be as toxic to cats, but it can be harmful as well. It may cause an upset stomach. According to Wag Walking, “chamomile contains a variety of potentially harmful substances, including tannic acid, anthemic acid, chamazulene, bisabolol, and volatile oil. These toxic substances cause felines to develop clinical signs of an allergic reaction, anorexia, diarrhea vomiting, contact dermatitis (an allergy of the skin when coming into contact with an irritating substance) and/or bleeding tendencies if consumed over a long period of time.” Chamomile poisoning may cause anorexia to the cat. That is why it is best to keep this away from cats.


Mint essential oils are too concentrated for their systems. Mint can cause poisoning in cats when ingested in large quantities. Cats with already existing medical conditions such as the liver and intestinal problems are in grave danger if they accidentally ingest mints. It can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Common Questions

Will black pepper be harmful to cats?

Black pepper is not harmful to cats, although the strong smell of the black pepper is unbearable for them. However, please do not spray black pepper directly on the cat as it may cause irritation and make them quite ill due to their sensitivity to smell. Black pepper may also sting the eye.
What are safe ways to keep cats out?

It is best to do the following to keep cats out in a humane and kind way:

Use fragrances to keep them away

Cats, again, have a very sensitive sense of smell. You can sprinkle lemon or orange peels in the area where they always hang out.

Fences and scat mats

Cat scat mats are very easy ways to keep cats away. These mats are not sharp enough to hurt them but are very effective in keeping them away from you. It discourages the cat from ever hanging out there.


It is a known fact that cats detests water.

Are cayenne peppers safe for cats?

Please do not ever use cayenne peppers to shoo away cats. Cayenne pepper is painful for cats, especially when you sprinkle them around the garden. Some cats do not mind the scent of cayenne peppers and would often get cayenne peppers stuck on their toes. They can ingest it or rub it in the eye which is very very painful. It may hurt their digestive system and affect their vision.

Can cats eat black pepper

Cats don’t like the strong smell from black pepper or other kinds of peppers for the matter. But it is fine if your cat eats food that includes black pepper. So you don’t have to worry if you have served your cat food with pepper to eat.

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