What Foods Are Cats Not Allowed to Eat?

What foods are cats not allowed to eat

When it comes to your feline friend, all you want is the best for him including the best cat food for his nutritional needs. However, sometimes, you might be tempted to give your cat special treats and table scraps, but always remember that certain dies can also be poisonous to him. Below, you will learn about the most dangerous foods for your cats so you can better avoid them.

Foods your cat shouldn’t eat

There are some foods that we eat, but that comes with risks if cats eat it. It might even be toxic. There are different reasons why cats shouldn’t eat garlic, raw meat, caffeinated drinks, raw dough, and milk product. Cats stomachs do not work like ours.

If you’re looking for the best cheap cat food read this too.

1# Garlic and Onions

Scallions, shallots, garlic, and onions can cause damage to the red blood cells of your cat and can eventually result in anemia. Typically, these foods are poisonous when eaten in large amounts, but exposes to concentrated garlic and onion like garlic powder or onion soup mix can also be toxic to your cat. Cats that show these symptoms: orange to dark red urine, pale gums, reduced appetite, weakness, and lethargy has to be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

2# Raw Meat, Raw Bones and Raw Eggs

 Just like humans, eating raw meat or raw eggs can lead to E. coli or salmonella poisoning in cats. The signs of the illness often vary but usually include lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. E. coli and salmonella can be transmitted to humans as well, so be extra careful and wash your hands properly after cooking make sure to keep your furry pal away from these types of raw foods. 

Furthermore, raw eggs are not good for your cat since it contains an enzyme which can lead to coat and skin problems. You should avoid giving your cat raw bones as he could choke on them, damage his teeth, or injure his digestive tract.

3# Caffeinated and Chocolate Drinks

We have all heard that chocolates can be very dangerous to dogs, but it is just as fatal for cats too. This is because chocolates contain substances called methylxanthines that can cause high blood temperature, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, abnormal heart rhythm, muscle tremors, seizures, and increased thirst. 

Aside from chocolates, methylxanthines can also be found in various caffeinated drinks and should be completely avoided. See your veterinarian if your feline friend is showing these symptoms. Bear in mind that the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it can be than white chocolate and milk.

4# Raw Dough and Alcohol

Foods that contain alcohol and alcoholic beverages can be fatal for your cat. Ingestion of these products can cause disorientation, tremors, diarrhea, vomiting, coma, troubled breathing, and even result in death. It is also important that you keep raw dough away from your cat. Raw dough can cause stomach expansion or creates alcohol in a cat’s stomach. If your cat ingested even a very small amount of alcohol, it’s best to take her to your veterinarian right away.

5# Milk and Dairy Products

While most cats love to drink milk, the truth is that it is not necessarily good for them. Cats experience trouble in digesting the lactose found in milk and it can eventually lead to diarrhea and an upset stomach. Most felines are only used to lactose from the milk of their mother when they’re kittens. Since young cats only drink milk from their mother for a few weeks, the digestive systems of kittens are not capable of handling a reintroduction to lactose. Thus, while some cats don’t have any trouble in tolerating lactose in milk, they are still not recommended since it can possibly cause digestive problems.

Common Questions About What Foods Are Not Allowed for Cats to Eat

What Human Food Can Cats Eat?

Cats are naturally meat eaters. Their body requires protein from meat in order for them to have a healthy reproductive system, good vision, and a strong heart. Small amounts of lean deli meats, cooked turkey, chicken, and beef are considered a good way on how to give them that. However, you should make sure you are giving your cat cooked food as spoiled and raw meat can possibly make him sick.

What Human Food Can Cats Not Eat?

We already have mentioned above the foods that your cat should avoid but let us summarize it for you. The most common foods that your feline friend cannot eat include the following:

  • Alcohol-based food and drinks
  • Chocolates
  • Coffee, tea, and energy drinks
  • Milk and cheese
  • Fat trimmings
  • Raw fish, raw meat, and raw eggs
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Garlic and onions

What Fruits Are Bad for Cats?

In the fruits category, you should steer clear of cherries since they are toxic to both dogs and cats. You should also avoid giving your cat raisins and grapes as it can cause feline kidney damage. Grapefruit, limes, lemons, persimmons, and other citrus fruits can cause an upset stomach as well.


If you suspect your furry pal has eaten foods that are poisonous to him, try to determine the amount he might have eaten and try contacting your veterinarian for advice. If it is out of hours, then it’s best to find the nearest emergency veterinarian near you. In some cases, if these poisonous foods are ingested in small quantities, it might not cause any issue but larger amounts may need urgent treatment.

What foods are cats not allowed to eat

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