What Type of Litter Do Cats Like Best?

What cat litter do cats like best

New cat litter seems to come out daily. And while it is good for cat owners to have some options in what particular type of litter they should get for their cats, too many choices can easily make you feel overwhelmed. And even though every home is different and each individual cat has their own preferences and needs, there are still some common rules when choosing the best cat litters for your furry pal.

The best cat litter type will usually have the following qualities. Cats like litter that is odor-free and it should be made of smaller particles. The type of litter that humans prefer then also includes hard and fast clumping, low dust and odor absorbent.

What type of litter does your cat prefer?

Every cat is different, however, there are proven studies that show how cats tend to have a common universal preference when it comes to cat litter. Here are the things you need to know about cats as well as their litter preferences:

1# Odor-free litter

Cats actually prefer unscented litters than scented ones. The sense of smell of your feline friend is more fine-tuned than yours. Therefore, to play it safe, it’s best to resist the urge of getting a scented cat litter, most especially the flowery scented ones. You should choose unscented cat litter instead. If you are worried that an unscented cat litter can result in a stinky home, do not worry since it functions almost the same as the scented ones.

2# Smaller particles of litter

Most cats prefer litters with fine particles, as opposed to crystal-type and pellet-type ones. Of course, It makes sense given the fact that felines were originally desert-dwelling animals in the past that buried their feces in the sand. Aside from that, finer particles of litter also feel better on your cat’s paws. 

3# Types of cat litter most cat owners prefer

So, cats are more likely into a fine particle, unscented cat litter. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of these cat litters to choose from. Now that you have an idea for what is going to make your feline friend happy, you can now consider the qualities of litter that you should look for to keep yourself happy too. 

4# Hard and fast clumping cat litter

This can help minimize messes and also makes it much easier for you to clean or scoop. It also minimizes the chances urine-soaked clumps will stick to the tail or paws of your cat. 

5# Odor absorbent cat litter

Certainly, nobody likes the smell of a cat’s poop or pee. Fortunately, activated charcoal and baking soda can be easily added around your cat’s litter box or even directly to your cat’s litter. This can help keep litter box odors and ammonia in check.

6# Low dust cat litter

This is not just essential to keep your furniture, electronics, and floors free from fine layers of cat litter dust, but it is also important for keeping you and your cat’s lungs free from any dust particles. It’s most especially helpful to you if one of your family members and pets has asthma. 

7# Low tracking litter

It is safe to say that all you want for your cat’s litter is to stay intact in their litter box and not get scattered around the house. This is why you should opt for an anti-track cat litter that suits you and your cat’s needs. Luckily, there are a lot of anti-tracking litter mats available in many stores that can help keep the cat litter where it is meant to be.


Common questions about the type of litters cats like best

Does it matter what cat litter you use?

It for sure matters what cat litter you choose for your cat’s litter box. Cat’s are picky with where they want to do their business, and it is, therefore, important to look for cat litter that will actually work for your cat. Look for odor-free litter and some with smaller particles.

Is clumping cat litter better?

Clumping cat litter is in many ways better and the new best friend of cat owners. This type of litter has a lot of advantages. The sodium bentonite present in clumping litters binds moisture into a clump form, which means that you can scoop out the feces of your cats easily.

Aside from that, the urine of your cat can also form into a clump and can be scooped easily, leaving your cat’s litter box odor-free and clean.

How often should you scoop cat litter?

The general rule for replacing clay cat litter is twice a week, but depending on certain circumstances, you might need to have it replaced only once a week or every other day. For instance, if you clean your cat’s litter box every day, then you may only need to change the litter every 2 to 3 weeks.


To find the most ideal litter for your cat’s litter box, first, you have to decide what features matter most to you and your cat. After that, choose a cat litter that has good reviews on those certain points and try it out. However, you also need to remember that every user’s experience is different, which is why do not assume that the cat litter that works well for others will perfectly work for you too. You can start by trying a small bag of litter, test it, and be prepared to try something new if necessary.

What cat litter do cats like best

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