Is wet food bad for cats’ teeth?

is wet food bad for cats teeth

There is no evidence that wet food can destroy a cat’s teeth. Some people claim that eating dry foods is much better for cats since it is easier to chew, but there is no actual evidence to prove this claim. However, as cats are naturally carnivores, they need nutrition and moisture from wet foods like meats.

 One of the hardest decisions that pet parents may face when choosing their cats’ diets is deciding whether to feed them wet food or dry food. There are a lot of factors that we have to consider when choosing what to feed them, such as budget, availability and your cat’s preferences.

Keep in mind that whatever you choose to feed your cat, it can affect their dental health, so take that into consideration and choose something that will have a positive impact on their teeth.  

Another read for you: Best cat food for indoor cats

What is the difference between dry and wet cat food?

“Wet food” refers to pre-measured and usually canned foods that contain real meat, as well as vegetables. Canned or wet foods include a higher amount of moisture or water, which can keep your cat from getting thirsty and may help cats with kidney and urinary issues.

Meanwhile, “dry food” refers to processed food that is usually bought from the super market in large packages. Dry cat food usually has a higher amount of carbohydrates than canned foods, which might not be suitable for a cat’s body.

Wet cat food: Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages

Wet cat food comes in pre-measured or portioned foods. It contains at least 70 percent moisture, which is good for a cat’s body’s overall health. It also greatly helps in combating dehydration, especially for cats who are not fond of drinking water. There are fewer carbohydrates in wet food and more meat-based protein.

The disadvantages

Most canned foods are costly by nature. They require more specialized storage so that they can easily be stored in the fridge. They can be inconvenient and more of a mess to deal with. Wet cat foods are not as fresh as raw meat and some wet foods also have a strong unpleasant smell.

Why moisture is important

Many veterinarians prefer wet or canned food for cats due to the moisture content. Dry food has a moisture level of only 15 percent, whereas wet canned food can be made of 70 to 80 percent moisture.   

The level of moisture found in wet cat food will not only rehydrate the cat’s body, but can also help with kidney and urinary diseases.

The myth about dry food and healthy teeth

Many dry cat foods advertise that they are healthy for cat’s teeth and gums, as they supposedly rub against the cats’ gums as they chew. However, there isn’t actual evidence of this.

In fact, often times you might see a whole piece of kibble in your cat’s vomit, meaning that it didn’t really chew its food that well. Many cats just swallow their dry food whole, which makes it hard to believe that kibbles rub onto their teeth and make them cleaner.

Most vets don’t recommend dry food as a means for cleaning pet cats’ teeth since wet foods have not been proven to cause more damage in the teeth. If you want to take care of your cat’s oral health, there is one way to do it: Brush his teeth!

Should I feed my cat wet or dry food?

The only significant difference between canned foods and dry foods is moisture content and when a cat consumes more water, it will be healthier overall. So, this could actually make one presume that wet foods do help with dental issues as well. Whatever you feed your cat, the most important thing is to choose high-quality, tasty, balanced food in the proper portion size, according to their wight.

Common questions regarding wet foods’ effects on cats

Does wet food consumption cause hyperthyroidism in cats?

Thyroid disease in cats is not fatal, but it can cause stress for cats and their owners. Veterinarians and research have found that feeding canned food to cats has a direct effect on thyroid gland problems in cats. However, it is unclear why and how it exactly affects the thyroid glands. 

Are dry foods better for cats’ teeth?

Many brands claim that their kibble or dry cat food is the best way to clean your cat’s teeth. The idea is that when they chew, the tendency is to rub the dry food against their teeth and gums. The problem with this theory is that cats don’t actually chew these little bite sized pieces of food. They just swallow them whole.

Although there are larger kibbles, specially designed for dental benefits, the claims are still unproven. One way to improve your cat’s teeth and gum health is through feeding them raw meaty bones like chicken necks, feet, and wings. 

What is the best wet cat food brand?

A good-quality wet cat food will give your cat all the nutrients she needs, including fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Wet food also keeps your cat hydrated. Make sure to choose one with natural ingredients. A great brand that does all of the above is Royal Canin.

Wrapping up 

Wet food does not make a cat’s dental health any better or worse; however, it does improve a cat’s body generally and is healthier in most aspects. The best food that we can offer to our cats in order to help them achieve healthier teeth is raw meaty bones. Aside from stressing out over what foods we can give our cats to improve their dental health, we must also watch their dental hygiene, and the best thing that any fur parent can do is to visit and consult the veterinarian.

is wet food bad for cats teeth

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