Do Norwegian Forest cats chirp?

Do Norwegian Forest cats chirp?

Norwegian Forest Cats are not vocal felines. However, they can make various bird-like sounds that they might have adapted from their Skogkatt ancestors. These cats purr and chirp when they’re happy or excited. Cat chirps are similar to bird chirps, short and tweet-like.

NFCs use chirps and other vocalizations as a means to communicate.

Cat chirping as a way of communication

You might think that chirping is just for birds, but cats can chirp too. This is one example of their many ways of communicating with each other and with their family members. But the question is, what do cat chirps mean? Let’s dive in deeply to understand how Norwegian Forest cats communicate.

Cats usually don’t talk with each other that much. However, after thousands of years and domestication, Norwegian Forest cats have realized that “vocalizing” is one of the best ways to communicate with their owners and other cats.

The main reason why cats and humans get along so well is that they both rely on verbal messages, which they use for communication and to understand each other. 

What do cat chirps sound like?

The Norwegian Forest cats’ chirp is also called as trill or chirrup. This is a brief tweet-like sound that’s very similar to a bird’s chirp. This is commonly used by mother cats to call their kittens inside the nest. Interestingly, kittens can recognize and respond only to their mother’s chirp and don’t answer to other cat mothers’ chirps.

Cat vocalizations fall into three categories according to the International Cat Care (ICC): meowing, murmuring, and aggressive vocalization. Cat chirping falls into the murmur category. Chirping is a sound that’s mostly created with the cat’s mouth closed and sounds like a meow rolled on their tongue.

Cat DNA test for your Norwegian Forest Cat

Do you want to know more about your cat? A great way is with a DNA test, where you can find out a lot about your Norwegian Forest Cat. Read about DNA tests for cats here.

The reason behind the cat’s chirp

Cats primarily use chirps to get attention and for greeting, approval, and acknowledgment. A cat’s chirp is typically a high-pitched way of saying, “hi!” or “hello!” to their human companions.

Experts discovered that cats also chirp when their predator instincts kick in, especially when watching birds. Cats do this vocalization when their instinctual hunter tendencies arise or when birds catch their attention. They then start to chatter, tweet, and chirp.

Norwegian Forest cats might also chirp and trill when they get excited while playing with their favorite toys. 

Body language and chirping

When your Norwegian Forest cat is chirping, check their body language. Different body language can mean your cat is in different moods. Look for tail swishing, blinking, head-butting, and the position of their ears and tails.

Norwegian Forest cats will be in their alert stance (stalking while crouching) while chirping at unwanted guests such as lizards or birds. You may also notice that their pupils become dilated, with ears pointing sideways and an arched back.

Tail Posture

Aside from vocalizations, cats also use body language to communicate well with their owners. Just like dogs, cats use their tails to express their mood or feeling. An upright tail tells you that they are alert, scared, or angry. However, a tucked and low tail means that they’re insecure or anxious. A whipping tail means that your cat is agitated. However, the same erected tail with relaxed fur shows that your cat is happy.

Blinking eyes

When Norwegian Forest cats slowly blink when they’re with their owners, it means that they’re comfortable and relaxed. They also do this with other cats, and in the feline world, slow blinking means trust.

Arched back

The arched back, erected tail and upright fur is the classic “Halloween pose” for cats. But what does this mean in the feline world? Cats tend to be in this position when they feel threatened, and it’s their way of saying “go away.”

Vocalizing as a form of communication


Meowing is a universal language for cats, and it has a lot of meanings. Cats “meow” to command, greet, announce, or object. Or it can mean nothing at all; some cats just walk around meowing about nothing.


Purring means contentment. Felines purr when they’re satisfied and happy. You can usually hear this when you’re petting them or giving them food. However, cats may purr when they’re sick and anxious as a form of self-comfort.


Hissing, growling, or spitting means that your cat is annoyed, angry, aggressive, or frightened. It’s best to leave a hissing cat alone and let them cool down.


Chattering or chittering is almost the same as chirping. Cats make this sound when they’re excited, especially when they see squirrels and birds.

Common questions

How should you react when your cat chirps?

The first step is to calm yourself and don’t panic. There’s nothing wrong with chirping cats. Chirping is a sign of excitement. This can mean that their hunting instincts have kicked in. So, it’s better to look for the source of that excitement, which is commonly a bird, lizard, squirrel, or a toy.

What does it mean when your cat yowl?

A yowl is the howl of cats. When they make this sound, this means that they’re under some type of distress. They may be in pain, anxious, or stuck somewhere that’s unfamiliar to them. However, in older cats, yowling can be a sign of cognitive disorders like dementia.

Why does your cat rub their body against you?

Rubbing their body against you can be a greeting if you just came home from work. This is their way of saying “hello” or “I missed you.” It’s a cat-version of giving a hug. Cats rubbing their bodies against your legs can also mean that they’re marking you as their territory.

Wrapping up

It’s essential to understand and pay attention to how your cat communicates with you. Norwegian Forest cats are not vocal felines compared to typical cat breeds.

However, they have their own way of expressing what they want and what they feel, such as through chirping. As a cat owner, you just need to learn how to interpret your cat’s wild vocabulary.

Do Norwegian Forest cats chirp?

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